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2024: Chomicki, G, N Walker-Hale, JP Etchells, EJ Ritter, and M.G. Weber.Diversity and development of domatia: Symbiotic plant structures to host mutualistic ants or mites. Current Opinions in Plant Biology.
2023: Robinson, M.L., ..E.F. LoPresti.. M.G. Weber... and W.C. Wetzel (along with many other authors) 2023. Plant size, latitude, and phylogeny explain variability in global herbivory. Science.
2023: M.B. Fleming, L. Stanley, R. Zallen, M. Chansler, L.A. Brudvig, D.B. Lowry, M.G.Weber, F.W. Telewski. 2023. The 141-year period for Dr. Beal's seed viability experiment: adding genetic analyses to the story. American Journal of Botany
2023: Graham, C.D.K., Forrestel, E.J., Schilmiller, A.L., Zemenick, A.T., and M.G.Weber. 2023. Evolutionary signatures of a trade-off in direct and indirect defenses across the wild grape genus Vitis. Evolution.
2023: Robinson, M., Weber, M.G, Freedman, M., Yonenaga, J., and S.Y. Strauss. Broadscale evolution of coloration in caterpillars reflects their interactions with plants. Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
2022: B.S. Martin, G.S. Bradburd, L.J. Harmon, and M.G. Weber. Modeling the Evolution of Rates of Continuous Trait Evolution. Systematic Biology.
2022: Graham, F., Warneke, C., Weber, M.G., and L. Brudvig. The Impact of habitat fragmentation on domatia-dwelling mites and a mite-plant-fungus tritrophic interaction. Landscape Ecology.
2022: Zemenick, A. T., S. C. Jones, M. G. Weber, A. J. Webster, E. Raymond, K. Sandelin, T. Kowalczyk, N. Hessami, C. Lund. Dahlburg. Diversifying and humanizing biologist role models through constructing slide deck on researchers’ research and life experiences. CourseSource.
2022: A.T. Zemenick, S. Turney, A.J. Webster, S.C. Jones, M.G., Weber. Six Principles for Embracing Gender and Sexual Diversity in Postsecondary Biology Classrooms. Bioscience.
2022: G. Chomicki, R. Beinart, C. Prada, K.B. Ritchie, M.G., Weber. Symbiotic Relationships as Shapers of Biodiversity. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.
2021: Pan, V.S., McMunn, M., Karban, R., Doidell, J., M.G., Weber E.F., LoPresti. Mucilage-binding to ground protects seeds of many plants from harvester ants: a functional investigation. Functional Ecology.
2021: Zemenick, A.T., Jones, S.C., Weber, M.G., Webster, A.J, Raymond, E., Sandelin, K., Kowalczyk, Hessami, N., and C. Lund Dahlburg. D and M.G., Weber. Diversifying and humanizing biologist role models through constructing slide deck on researchers research and life experiences. Coursesource.
2021: E.R. LaPlante, M.B. Fleming, Z. Migicovsky, and M.G., Weber. Genome-Wide Association Study Reveals a Genomic Region Associated with Mite-Recruitment Phenotypes in the Domesticated Grapevine (Vitis vinifera). Genes.
2021: Coltharp, E., + 47 authors, all undergraduates (!) + Weber, M.G. and D. Grossenbacher. 2020. Leaf Hair tufts function as domatia for mites in Quercus agrifolia. Madroño.
2020: D. H. Hembry and M.G., Weber . Ecological Interactions and Macroevolution: A New Field with Old Roots. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics.
2020: Wood, S., McKibbe, T., Chen, L., Henning, J.A., Smith, M.L., Weber, M.G., Zemenick, A., and C.J. Ballen. A scientist like me: demographic analysis of biology textbooks reveals both progress and long-term lags. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Press coverage: Proc B Blog, BBC, newsweek, Science News.
2020: Pearse, I.S., Ali, J.G., Bronstein, J.L., Eubanks, M. D., *LoPresti, E., Mooney, K.A., Ode, P.J., Schaeffer, R.N., Weber, M.G., Wetzel, W.C. 2020. Generalizing indirect defense in plants. Ecology Letters.
2020: Baskett, C., Schroeder, L., Weber, M.G., and D. Schemske. 2019. Multiple metrics of latitudinal patterns in insect pollination and herbivory for a tropical-temperate congener pair. Ecological Monographs.
2019: LoPresti, E.F., Pan, V., Goidell, J., Weber, M.G., and R. Karban. Mucilage-bound sand reduces seed predation but not by reducing apparency; a field test of 53 plant species. Ecology.
2019: Foisy, M.R., Albert, L.P., Hughes, D.W.W., & M.G. Weber Do Latex and Resin Spur Plant Diversification? Re-examining a Classic Example of Escape and Radiate Coevolution. Journal of Ecology.
2019: Harmon, L., C., Andreazzi, C., Drury, J.P., Goldberg, E., Martins, A., Melián, C., Narwani, A., Pennell, M., Rudman, S., Seehausen, O., Silvestro, D., Weber, M.G. and B. Matthews. Detecting the Macroevolutionary Signal of Species Interactions. Jounal of Evolutionary Biology.
2019: Chomicki, G., Weber, M.G., Antonelli, A., Bascompte, J.,and T. Kiers. The Impact of Mutualisms on Species Richness. Trends in Ecology and Evolution.
2018: Agrawal, A.A., Ali, Al., Johnson, M.D., Hastings, A.P., Burge, D., and M.G. Weber. Toxicity of the spiny thick-foot Pachypodium. American Journal of Botany.
2018: Weber, M.G., Cacho, N.I., Phan, M.J.Q., Disbrow, C., Ramírez, S.R, and S.Y.Strauss. The evolution of floral signals in relation to range overlap in a clade of California Jewelflowers. Evolution.
2023: Robinson, M.L., ..E.F. LoPresti.. M.G. Weber... and W.C. Wetzel (along with many other authors) 2023. Plant size, latitude, and phylogeny explain variability in global herbivory. Science.
2023: M.B. Fleming, L. Stanley, R. Zallen, M. Chansler, L.A. Brudvig, D.B. Lowry, M.G.Weber, F.W. Telewski. 2023. The 141-year period for Dr. Beal's seed viability experiment: adding genetic analyses to the story. American Journal of Botany
2023: Graham, C.D.K., Forrestel, E.J., Schilmiller, A.L., Zemenick, A.T., and M.G.Weber. 2023. Evolutionary signatures of a trade-off in direct and indirect defenses across the wild grape genus Vitis. Evolution.
2023: Robinson, M., Weber, M.G, Freedman, M., Yonenaga, J., and S.Y. Strauss. Broadscale evolution of coloration in caterpillars reflects their interactions with plants. Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
2022: B.S. Martin, G.S. Bradburd, L.J. Harmon, and M.G. Weber. Modeling the Evolution of Rates of Continuous Trait Evolution. Systematic Biology.
2022: Graham, F., Warneke, C., Weber, M.G., and L. Brudvig. The Impact of habitat fragmentation on domatia-dwelling mites and a mite-plant-fungus tritrophic interaction. Landscape Ecology.
2022: Zemenick, A. T., S. C. Jones, M. G. Weber, A. J. Webster, E. Raymond, K. Sandelin, T. Kowalczyk, N. Hessami, C. Lund. Dahlburg. Diversifying and humanizing biologist role models through constructing slide deck on researchers’ research and life experiences. CourseSource.
2022: A.T. Zemenick, S. Turney, A.J. Webster, S.C. Jones, M.G., Weber. Six Principles for Embracing Gender and Sexual Diversity in Postsecondary Biology Classrooms. Bioscience.
2022: G. Chomicki, R. Beinart, C. Prada, K.B. Ritchie, M.G., Weber. Symbiotic Relationships as Shapers of Biodiversity. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution.
2021: Pan, V.S., McMunn, M., Karban, R., Doidell, J., M.G., Weber E.F., LoPresti. Mucilage-binding to ground protects seeds of many plants from harvester ants: a functional investigation. Functional Ecology.
2021: Zemenick, A.T., Jones, S.C., Weber, M.G., Webster, A.J, Raymond, E., Sandelin, K., Kowalczyk, Hessami, N., and C. Lund Dahlburg. D and M.G., Weber. Diversifying and humanizing biologist role models through constructing slide deck on researchers research and life experiences. Coursesource.
2021: E.R. LaPlante, M.B. Fleming, Z. Migicovsky, and M.G., Weber. Genome-Wide Association Study Reveals a Genomic Region Associated with Mite-Recruitment Phenotypes in the Domesticated Grapevine (Vitis vinifera). Genes.
2021: Coltharp, E., + 47 authors, all undergraduates (!) + Weber, M.G. and D. Grossenbacher. 2020. Leaf Hair tufts function as domatia for mites in Quercus agrifolia. Madroño.
2020: D. H. Hembry and M.G., Weber . Ecological Interactions and Macroevolution: A New Field with Old Roots. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics.
2020: Wood, S., McKibbe, T., Chen, L., Henning, J.A., Smith, M.L., Weber, M.G., Zemenick, A., and C.J. Ballen. A scientist like me: demographic analysis of biology textbooks reveals both progress and long-term lags. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Press coverage: Proc B Blog, BBC, newsweek, Science News.
2020: Pearse, I.S., Ali, J.G., Bronstein, J.L., Eubanks, M. D., *LoPresti, E., Mooney, K.A., Ode, P.J., Schaeffer, R.N., Weber, M.G., Wetzel, W.C. 2020. Generalizing indirect defense in plants. Ecology Letters.
2020: Baskett, C., Schroeder, L., Weber, M.G., and D. Schemske. 2019. Multiple metrics of latitudinal patterns in insect pollination and herbivory for a tropical-temperate congener pair. Ecological Monographs.
2019: LoPresti, E.F., Pan, V., Goidell, J., Weber, M.G., and R. Karban. Mucilage-bound sand reduces seed predation but not by reducing apparency; a field test of 53 plant species. Ecology.
2019: Foisy, M.R., Albert, L.P., Hughes, D.W.W., & M.G. Weber Do Latex and Resin Spur Plant Diversification? Re-examining a Classic Example of Escape and Radiate Coevolution. Journal of Ecology.
2019: Harmon, L., C., Andreazzi, C., Drury, J.P., Goldberg, E., Martins, A., Melián, C., Narwani, A., Pennell, M., Rudman, S., Seehausen, O., Silvestro, D., Weber, M.G. and B. Matthews. Detecting the Macroevolutionary Signal of Species Interactions. Jounal of Evolutionary Biology.
2019: Chomicki, G., Weber, M.G., Antonelli, A., Bascompte, J.,and T. Kiers. The Impact of Mutualisms on Species Richness. Trends in Ecology and Evolution.
2018: Agrawal, A.A., Ali, Al., Johnson, M.D., Hastings, A.P., Burge, D., and M.G. Weber. Toxicity of the spiny thick-foot Pachypodium. American Journal of Botany.
2018: Weber, M.G., Cacho, N.I., Phan, M.J.Q., Disbrow, C., Ramírez, S.R, and S.Y.Strauss. The evolution of floral signals in relation to range overlap in a clade of California Jewelflowers. Evolution.

2018: Afkhami, M.E., Mahler, L., Burns, J.H., Weber, M.G., Wojciechowski, M.F., Sprent, J., and S.Y.Strauss. Symbioses with nitrogen-fixing bacteria: nodulation and phylogenetic data across legume genera. Ecology.
2017: Mahler, L., Weber, M.G., Wagner, C.E., and T. Ingram. Pattern and process in the comparative study of convergent evolution. The American Naturalist.
2017: Weber, M.G., Wagner, C.E., Best, R.J., Harmon, L.J., and B. Matthews. Evolution in a community context: On integrating ecological interactions and macroevolution. Trends in Ecology and Evolution.
2016: Weber, M.G., Mitko, L., Eltz, T., and S.R. Ramírez. Macroevolution of perfume signaling in orchid bees. Ecology Letters. 19 (11), 1314-1323.
2016: Weber, M.G., and S.Y. Strauss. Coexistence in close relatives: Beyond competition and reproductive isolation in sister taxa. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics. 47 (1).
2016: Weber, M.G., Porturas, L.D. and S.A. Taylor. Foliar nectar enhances plant-mite mutualisms: The effect of leaf sugar on the control of powdery mildew by domatia-inhabiting mites. Annals of Botany. mcw118. PDF
2017: Mahler, L., Weber, M.G., Wagner, C.E., and T. Ingram. Pattern and process in the comparative study of convergent evolution. The American Naturalist.
2017: Weber, M.G., Wagner, C.E., Best, R.J., Harmon, L.J., and B. Matthews. Evolution in a community context: On integrating ecological interactions and macroevolution. Trends in Ecology and Evolution.
2016: Weber, M.G., Mitko, L., Eltz, T., and S.R. Ramírez. Macroevolution of perfume signaling in orchid bees. Ecology Letters. 19 (11), 1314-1323.
2016: Weber, M.G., and S.Y. Strauss. Coexistence in close relatives: Beyond competition and reproductive isolation in sister taxa. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics. 47 (1).
2016: Weber, M.G., Porturas, L.D. and S.A. Taylor. Foliar nectar enhances plant-mite mutualisms: The effect of leaf sugar on the control of powdery mildew by domatia-inhabiting mites. Annals of Botany. mcw118. PDF

2016: LoPresti, E.F., and M.G. Weber. Breaking barriers in evolutionary biology: A pioneering woman in science and her early theory of plant chemical macroevolution. The American Naturalist. 188(2). PDF
2016: Mitko, L., Weber, M.G., Ramírez, S.R, Hedenström, E. Wcislo, W.T., and T. Eltz Olfactory specialization for perfume collection in male orchid bees. Journal of Experimental Biology.
2015: Pokorny, T., Ramírez, S.R, Weber, M.G., and T. Eltz Cuticular hydrocarbons as potential close range recognition cues in orchid bees. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 41(12), 1080-1094.
2015: Agrawal, A.A. and M.G. Weber, M.G. On the study of plant defence and herbivory using comparative approaches: how important are secondary plant compounds. Ecology Letters. 18(10), 985-991 PDF
2016: Mitko, L., Weber, M.G., Ramírez, S.R, Hedenström, E. Wcislo, W.T., and T. Eltz Olfactory specialization for perfume collection in male orchid bees. Journal of Experimental Biology.
2015: Pokorny, T., Ramírez, S.R, Weber, M.G., and T. Eltz Cuticular hydrocarbons as potential close range recognition cues in orchid bees. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 41(12), 1080-1094.
2015: Agrawal, A.A. and M.G. Weber, M.G. On the study of plant defence and herbivory using comparative approaches: how important are secondary plant compounds. Ecology Letters. 18(10), 985-991 PDF
2014: Weber, M.G. and A. Agrawal. Defense mutualisms enhance plant diversification. PNAS. 111 (46), 16442-16447. PDF (Cover) (Press)
2013: Weber, M.G. and K.H. Keeler. The phylogenetic distribution of extrafloral nectaries in plants. The Annals of Botany. 111 (6), 1251-1261. PDF 2012: Weber, M.G., Clement, W.L., Donoghue, M.J. and A.A. Agrawal. Phylogenetic and experimental tests of interactions among mutualistic plant defense traits in Viburnum (Adoxaceae). The American Naturalist. 180 (4): pp. 450-46. PDF |

2012: Weber, M.G., and A. A. Agrawal. Phylogeny, ecology, and the coupling of comparative and experimental approaches. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 27: pp. 394-403. PDF
2012: Agrawal, A.A., Petschenka, G., Bingham, R.A., Weber, M.G., and S. Rasmann. Toxic cardenolides: chemical ecology and coevolution of specialized plant-herbivore interactions. New Phytologist. 194 (1): pp.28-45. PDF
2012: Dalton, C.M., Makiao-Lee, A., Weber, M.G., Roco, C.A., Han, Z., Dudley, B., Mackenzie, R.A., and N.G. Hairston Jr. Density- and trait-mediated top-down effects modify bottom-up control of a highly endemic tropical aquatic food web. Oikos. PDF
2011: Kennedy, P.G., Higgins, L.M., Rogers, R.H., and M.G. Weber. Colonization-competition tradeoffs as a mechanism driving successional dynamics in ectomycorrhizal fungal communities. PLoS ONE. 6(9): pp. e25126. PDF
2012: Agrawal, A.A., Petschenka, G., Bingham, R.A., Weber, M.G., and S. Rasmann. Toxic cardenolides: chemical ecology and coevolution of specialized plant-herbivore interactions. New Phytologist. 194 (1): pp.28-45. PDF
2012: Dalton, C.M., Makiao-Lee, A., Weber, M.G., Roco, C.A., Han, Z., Dudley, B., Mackenzie, R.A., and N.G. Hairston Jr. Density- and trait-mediated top-down effects modify bottom-up control of a highly endemic tropical aquatic food web. Oikos. PDF
2011: Kennedy, P.G., Higgins, L.M., Rogers, R.H., and M.G. Weber. Colonization-competition tradeoffs as a mechanism driving successional dynamics in ectomycorrhizal fungal communities. PLoS ONE. 6(9): pp. e25126. PDF
2010: Kennedy, P.G., Weber, M.G., and A.A. Bluhm. Frankia bacteria in Alnus rubra forests: genetic diversity and determinants of assemblage structure. Plant and Soil. 335: pp. 479-492. PDF
2010: Kennedy, P.G., Schouboe, J.L, Rogers, R.H., Weber, M.G., Nadkarni, N.M.Frankia and Alnus rubra canopy roots: An assessment of genetic diversity, propagule availability, and effects on soil nitrogen. Microbial Ecology. 59(2): pp. 214-220. PDF 2009: Kursar, T.A., Dexter, K.G., Lokvam, J, Pennington, R.T., Richardson, J.E., Weber, M.G., Murakami, E., Drake, C., McGregor, R., Coley., P.D. The evolution of anti-herbivore defenses and their contribution to species coexistence in the tropical tree genus Inga. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science. 106(43): pp. 18073-18078. PDF |