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The Weber Lab is always looking for motivated undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdocs to join the lab.
The Weber Lab is located at The University of Michigan in the heart of the Great Lakes state. We are housed in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Michigan is a great state (if not the best?) to live: full of coastlines, breweries, outdoor adventure and nice people. Ann Arbor is particularly great and UM is a vibrant and awesome setting for research.
I encourage potential postdocs to apply for independent funding, and I am happy to help brainstorm ideas for collaborative proposals. If you are interested in joining the lab as a postdoc, email me and we can chat about funding opportunities.
For graduate students, folks in my lab apply through EEB (our home department) send me an email for more information!
If you are an UM undergraduate student looking to get research experience in the lab, there are lots of different ways to get involved. Send me an email and we can set up a meeting to talk more about possible opportunities.
For graduate students, folks in my lab apply through EEB (our home department) send me an email for more information!
If you are an UM undergraduate student looking to get research experience in the lab, there are lots of different ways to get involved. Send me an email and we can set up a meeting to talk more about possible opportunities.