Artists in Residence
Integration between science and art can take both fields to a new level of understanding. We are always interested in finding ways to collaborate with artists in the lab, including hosting artists in residence. If you are interested in visiting the lab as an artist, please contact Marjorie.
Riley Scanlon (Spring 2019 - present)

My name is Riley Scanlon, I grew up in a little place near Traverse city Mi and have been exploring the aspects of art and science my whole life. Initially after high school I decided to attend art school at Western Michigan University studying photography and intermedia. Out of no where my curiosities merged with the world of biology and I decided to make a change. Now, at Michigan State University studying Plant Biology with a main interest in bryophytes, Im looking to combine my two passions and create a world of microscopy that clearly illustrates my passion for science while illuminating my art. My research interests include the relationship of plant structures and the benefits that arthropods achieve. Minute structures on varying plant types that hold keys to symbiotic relationships and the interest of bryophyte design and physiology including health benefits. Ultimately, I would like to live my life expressing beautiful scientific art of the microscopic world for educational and literature purposes.
Rachel Gordon (Spring 2017)
Rachel Gordon is an animator and illustrator from Toronto, Canada. Her background in Film and Women and Gender Studies informs much of her work, and she is currently pursuing a degree in Media Production. Rachel is working with assistant professor Marjorie Weber and the department of plant biology to create animated representations of scientific theories, such as indirect defence and competitive domination. In her role as artist-in-residence she seeks to expand upon the intersections of science and art and foster communication between the fields and the creators within them. Rachel's website.